Awakened Masculine Performance

Awakened Masculine Performance is a 6 month program designed and dedicated to supporting the development of men who want to take an Ancient and Modern Approach to the actualization of their highest expression.

I’m Dr. Ryan Hall, men’s wholistic health expert.

With over a decade of experience as a Functional Medicine practitioner, I have designed the ultimate program to lead men into sovereign health. My goal is to help men build foundational habits and strength—body/mind/soul—to step away from the sick care model of symptom treatment presented by the conventional medical care system.

Through detailed health history, fx laboratory analysis, and current lifestyle inventory, I seek to address areas in need of tending as well as areas in need of strength.  Whether currently suffering and seeking to heal from cardiometabolic issues, gastrointestinal issues, immune or hormonal issues, or just seeking optimization - I will meet you where you are at.  

Break free from the self-improvement paradigm and flow through a path of self-unfoldment.

Working in a somatically informed container, influenced by the pioneering practices of Focusing and Internal Family Systems (IFS), I help men connect with the energy and parts of themselves that hide beneath the surface.

I guide men to listen to and learn from the felt-sense information their embodied wisdom is trying to convey.

The result is a freedom of stuck energy and integration of insight that supports getting unstuck and moving forward in a way of embodied integrity. 

Ultimately, I help men pull their lives into alignment with their highest ideal values. 

Join me in this life changing journey to claim sovereignty in health, body, mind, and soul.

The Awakened Masculine Performance Program is for men who know it's possible to live into each moment Connected and Alive with their Vital Essence.

What is AMP - Awakened Masculine Performance?

Awakened Masculine Performance is a 6-month program designed and dedicated to supporting the development of Men who want to take an Ancient and Modern Approach to the actualization of their highest expression.

  • During the first week of the program, you will be guided through a reflective process in your Journey Journal, which culminates in a 60-minute Wellness Visioning session with Functional Health Coach Sidney Hall.

  • At the beginning of your first week, you will also receive a requisition for the Comprehensive Men's Health Blood Work.

  • The second week of the program you will have a 2-hour-long Integral Intake Session with Dr. Ryan Hall where you will have space to share your story and dive into unique and important elements of your history. At this time you will begin to be guided to employ pertinent skills and tools necessary for walking the path of the Awakened Masculine.v

  • The first month closes with a 90-minute Lab Review and Individualization Session. This session will begin to chart the course through your journey of Awakened Masculinity.

  • The second month is the most intense with the greatest time investment where you will meet for 90 minutes weekly for Dynamic Coaching Sessions.

    The Dynamic Coaching Session will be time to check in about Health Progression, Habit Building, Shadow Work, and Self Unfoldment.

    Awakened Masculine Performance Journey Journal included.

  • Monthly Unconventional Fitness Training sessions. Building kettlebell skill, strength, and endurance.

Participants in the program will be given access to a number of self-paced courses introducing them to the pillars needed for a long life well lived, including Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Kettlebells, and Self Regulation.  Also included is a 6-month Awakened Masculine Performance Journey Journal with guided prompts for deep reflection and insight cultivation.

Payment Plan Available

Rise to the occasion of taking radical responsibility for your health and thriving. The world depends on it.