Deep Well Collective: Integrative Health & Therapeutic Coaching

Partnering with you to achieve Embodied, Resilient, Whole Being Health.

Greetings! Welcome to Deep Well Collective

We are a virtual Integrative Health and Therapeutic Coaching practice based in the Rockfish Valley, VA. 

Our mission is to partner with individuals who are looking to address the wholeness of their health - those who are looking for an approach rooted in science that honors the integral component of spirit and soul.

Our expertise lies in treating chronic health conditions, such as gastrointestinal issues (GI), autoimmune, and cardio-metabolic. As mentioned, we tend to the whole person, so our services also touch into emotional, and mental wellness through our coaching services.

We are passionate about providing the education, tools and support in place for our clients so they can build the foundations of sovereignty in health. Think Root Cause Medicine + Human Development.

Welcome! We look forward to connecting,

Dr. Ryan Hall + Sidney Hall

Our Services

Below you will find our services oriented towards supporting individuals with addressing chronic health conditions as well as mental, emotional, and developmental wellness.

  • This 20 minute phone call is an opportunity for us to learn a little bit about your interest in our services and for you to ask any questions you have so we can discover if we are a good fit for each other.

    Book your discovery call below.

This 20-minute phone call is an opportunity for us to learn a little bit about your interest in our services and for you to ask any questions you have so we can discover if we are a good fit for each other.

  • In order to serve the whole you, we need to get to know the whole you. The Integral Intake is our way of doing that. 

    Visits included in the Integral Intake are: 

    ::Wellness Visioning with Functional Health Coach, Sidney Hall 

    ::The Integral Assessment with Dr. Hall DCN, MS, CNS

    ::Review of Findings and Comprehensive Planning Session Dr. Hall DCN, CIMHP, CNS

    ::Goal Setting Session with Functional Health Coach, Sidney Hall 

    This is the entry way to working with Deep Well Collective. Through this experience you will be guided to craft an intentional vision for the culmination of your healing journey, share your story in a safe space, be met where you are, have relevant laboratory data to help assess possible contributing factors to you current way of being, and collaborate in crafting a comprehensive plan on the journey to your thriving. 

In order to serve the whole you, we need to get to know the whole you. The Integral Intake is our way of doing that.

  • Awakened Masculine Performance is a 6 month program designed and dedicated to supporting the development of men who want to take an Ancient and Modern Approach to the actualization of their highest expression.

    What’s Included:

    ::Wellness Visioning Session with Fx Health Coach, Sidney Hall

    ::Functional Comprehensive Men’s Health Blood Work

    ::2 hour-long Integral Intake Session with Dr. Ryan Hall

    ::90-minute Lab Review and Individualization Session

    ::10, 90-minute Dynamic Coaching Sessions

    ::6 Unconventional Fitness Training Sessions

Awakened Masculine Performance is a 6 month program designed and dedicated to supporting the development of men who want to take an Ancient and Modern Approach to the actualization of their highest expression.

  • In 1:1 somatic therapeutic sessions, we work toward building the capacity to feel sensation and emotion, regulate the nervous system, and meet the full range of human experiences inside and through the body. Together, we cultivate a tangible feeling of safety and resilience with self-awareness, touch, movement, breath, and sound.

    If your interested to learn more, book a free 20 minute Women’s Somatic Coaching Discovery call with Sidney.

In 1:1 somatic therapeutic sessions, we work toward building the capacity to feel sensation and emotion, regulate the nervous system, and meet the full range of human experiences inside and through the body.

  • In order to skillfully identify the root cause drivers of dis-ease an accurate assessment is crucial. In our attempt to elucidate possible underlying contributors we utilize a number of different testing. 

    We value your resources and only invite you to explore essential testing for your unique case.

    Blood Chemistry is a limited but important component of an integral assessment and can provide insight into several of the body's key systems. Our Integral Blood Chemistry Panel looks at cardiometabolic health, nutrient status, oxygen carrying capacity, thyroid function, inflammation, immune function, and hormones. 

    Urinary Organic Acid Testing allows us to gain a much deeper insight into the cellular metabolic processing, identify toxin exposure, genetics, functional needs of nutrients, neurotransmitter status, as well as understand hormonal pathways, sex and adrenal, in a more complete manner. End product metabolites analyzed in the urine provide detailed information regarding the process of upstream pathways. This allows us to understand a person's unique nutrient needs, as well as possible genetic predispositions for inhibition of enzymatic processing pathways.This is the same with hormones. We can assess which pathways of processing may be inhibited or accentuated, resulting in the manifestation of a number of physical and mental symptoms. This allows us to be extremely targeted in our approach. 

    Stool Testing provides an avenue to assess the unique composition of an individual's microbiome. Disturbances within the gastrointestinal tract have far reaching consequences. Imbalances in the microbiota influence neurotransmitter production, immune function, nutrient absorption, and detoxification. Parasitic infections are extremely common and difficult to pinpoint Stool tests generally assess for a myriad of parasites. Additionally, we are able to assess digestive capacity- the ability for an individual to be able to break down food stuffs in order for their absorption. Identifying disturbances in the GI tract aids us in identification for root drivers of nutrient deficiencies, i.e. reduced digestive capacity, inflammation, SIBO, or parasitic infections, contributors to physical symptoms that manifest as anxiety, depression, brain fog and ADHD, skin disturbances, food sensitivities and more.

    Urinary Mycotoxin Testing allows to assess the toxic burden in the body resulting from an individual's exposure, often in water damaged buildings, that could be manifesting as fatigue, bloating, skin disturbances, food sensitivities, anxiety, depression, chemical sensitivity or a number of other manifestations. 

    Heavy Metal and Environmental Testing allows us to further assess the toxic burden within the body. The manifestations of toxin exposure range from cardiometabolic derangement, like type 2 diabetes, to symptoms of cognitive decline. The majority of what we think of as normal illness is novel and heavily coincides with industrialization and the continued increase of toxins within the environment that must of us don’t even know we are being exposed to. 

    Within the elements of your story are the clues to the roots. We don’t order all of this testing for everyone. Rather we focus on the ones that seem most relevant and therefore have the most impact in shaping our treatment approach. 

In order to skillfully identify the root cause drivers of dis-ease an accurate assessment is crucial. In our attempt to elucidate possible underlying contributors we utilize a number of different testing. Read more below.

  • Contact us to inquire about a regular Follow Up.

    Email us at

Previous patients can schedule regular follow-ups here. Log in to your patient portal to pick a time, or email us and we will help you get set up. Read more below.

“Dr. Hall is truly exceptional. He is extremely knowledgeable and personable and he has helped me so much by providing  excellent guidance on improving my health. He spends as much time with you as needed to get your questions answered and also to get to know you. He is professional and compassionate and responsive to my inquiries. I have a new found perspective on improved health and well being, thank you Dr. Hall!”

-Anne G.

Who We Are

for a more thorough description of our education and training, click the drop down link below the photos

  • I’m Ryan-I always struggle with using adjectives to define who I be. At my essence, I am a Truth seeker, a jnana yogi, and Servant to what is revealed in that quest. 

    This pursuit has taken on a circuitous journey traversing my internal landscape in search of healing the wounds of my psyche and Soul. I found myself as a medicine holder, learning and serving the ineffable and reclaiming parts of myself on the path. In pursuit of the alleviation of my own suffering, I found yoga and Buddhism and studied at Naropa University gaining a BA with an emphasis in Contemplative/Transpersonal Psychology, Contemplative Religion, and Yoga receiving a 1000 hr yoga teaching certificate. 

    With a not knowing how I would serve in the healing of this planet, my studies of the subtle realms highlighted a need and gap that brought me into study of the gross body, our physical form. For 7yrs I studied human anatomy, biology & biochemistry, physiology & pathophysiology, and nature-based ways to promote the healing and flourishing of our human form receiving a Master of Science and Doctorate in Human Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health. 

    Continued pursuit of Truth and practical applications in service to it has involved me in skill building to facilitate and encourage depth in relationships, the most powerful cauldron of healing. As well as somatic, energetic, and psyche/Soul based practices alive at the forefront of trauma resolution, integration, and self-realization. 

    The coalescing and integration of this continued unfolding brings me (com)passionately in deep service and reverence for those feeling the ache in their being to live life manifesting the deep alignment of Body/HeartMind/Soul/Spirit. 

Dr. Ryan Hall is an expert in Integrative Health and Functional Medicine. With a dynamic background in biophysiology, clinical human nutrition, psychology, developmental coaching, spirituality and contemplative practices, he weaves together his offering that is truly like no other. He has helped hundreds of patients come back to simplify and maximize the potency in their healing journey through deeply attuning to their stories and innate wisdom, as well as leaning into the detective work it takes to approach nuanced and complicated cases. Dr. Hall takes a lifestyle first approach in guiding his patients into alignment with their innate vital health.

  • Sidney has had an affinity for transformational work and contemplative practice for the past 15 years.

    Receiving a BA in Traditional Eastern Arts from Naropa University, she dove deep into the ancient art and science of Yoga, receiving her 1000 YTT. She is currently is also a Certified Yoga Nidra Teacher.

    Additionally, Sidney involved with alternative health focused baking for the past 15 years, and owns and operates the wellness bakery Moon Maiden’s Delights, selling at the IX Art Park Farmers Market in Charlottesville VA every Saturday.

    Sidney enjoys creative activities that draw her into the present moment, hiking and exploring beautiful natural spaces with her family, and continuously greeting the invitation for self development and growth.

    Navigating her own health challenges and achieving sustained relief through the methods of functional medicine has been a huge impetus towards assisting others as an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach-receiving training with the Kresser Institute.

    Sidney is currently involved in the loving pursuit of her Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Saybrook University. Moving deeper into her passion of embodied activism, she is also pursuing certification to become a Somatic Educator for Women through the Somatic Institute for Women.

Sidney Hall brings her gifts of presence and loving awareness to the healing space.  As a certified health coach, Sidney partners with clients to define their ideal state of health, navigate their readiness to make change, create meaningful goals that are actually sustainable and practical.  Rooted in reverence for the innate wisdom of the body, Sidney weaves somatic embodiment practices into her sessions.

Summer T.

“You have made such an impact on my life and helped me take charge of my health and wellness.”

Andrea Y.

“ I have recommended Dr. Hall to my friends who are experiencing chronic health problems and who have gotten no answers at all from traditional Western Medicine.  I was pretty hopeless when I first saw Dr Hall, but he took the time to really listen and put all the pieces of the puzzle together.  I am now much much healthier since I started following his individualized treatment protocols.  My gut and overall health have GREATLY improved. He understands not only physiology and pharmacology but also nutrition, exercise, meditation and much more.  This is the first real approach to total wellness I have ever experienced.”

Deep Well Collective is now serving patients nationally by virtual appointments.

Our virtual practice allows us to serve patients all over the country and keep our fees low.